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Botanical collection

The Museum of West Lusatia’s botanical collection currently comprises 2,714 catalogued specimens. Its scope is comparatively small compared to other parts of the museum’s collection.
The collection was expanded between 1975 and 1981 and again between 1996 and 1998 in line with plans by full-time curators. Today, the collection is part of the Zoology department and is managed solely from a collection and conservation point of view.

botanische Sammlung Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz

Air-conditioned storage rooms and dust-proof collection cabinets ensure that the collection is optimally protected.
The botanical collection consists of a herbarium (vascular plants), a fungi collection (focus on tree fungi/bracket fungi), a collection of mosses, algae and lichens, an extensive phytopathology collection and a collection of samples of a variety of predominantly native woody plants.

botanische Sammlung Museum der Westlausitz Kamenz


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